Calling all HS Seniors

This year has been strange, no doubt! Now school is starting and no one is quite sure how it will proceed. So, with a little fore thought, let's think about Senior pictures. We know they are coming. We know they will be needed early in the school year. Let's be a little proactive and beat the crowd. Schedule your Senior photos now! Chances are, about the beginning of September, the schools will send out notifications (or even worse, send them home with the Seniors) informing parents that the pictures are due by mid October. If schools have to go to remote or hybrid learning due to COVID variants, there will be little or no time to schedule your photos. Don't let the school take the standard "say "cheese" and smile" photos. Plan for what you want and deserve for making it through these trying times. Schedule your photos today! Call SAS Photography at 603-845-8735.