Scott A. Smith of SAS Photography is awarded Associate Colleague of Photography Degree

Scott A. Smith of SAS Photography is awarded Associate Colleague of Photography Degree Litchfield, NH-June 14, 2023—Scott A. Smith of SAS Photography in Litchfield was awarded the "Associate Colleague of Photography Degree." Degrees are based on the contributions of time and expertise to serving the Association. In 1990 the “NHPPA Degree Program” was established to recognize the individual members who have volunteered their time and effort for the Association. Being a part of NHPPA gives you the opportunity to educate yourself and your business with the best tools for success, but also the opportunity to share your time and expertise with other members of the Association. Degrees are awarded to members for both their service to and on behalf of NHPPA, as well as for their photographic excellence. Credits are based on the contributions to time and expertise serving the Association. Degrees are awarded to give recognition for service to and on behalf of NHPPA; to recogni...